Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading for the Season!

Credit:  Abigail Larson
The months are getting cooler.  The days are getting shorter.  And during this time of year, readers tend to gravitate towards particular reads.  Carl from Stainless Steel Droppings describes it best with his RIP Challenge -- Readers Imbibing Peril.  Let me share his exact words . . .

Speaking of imbibing, eleven years ago I embarked on a quest to bring a community of readers together to enjoy the literature most associated with the darkening days and cooling temperatures of Autumn: 

Dark Fantasy 

I wanted to be able to use the well-worn graveyard acronym, R.I.P., so I came up with the name “R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril’. And for over a decade that is what we have done, imbibed together.

Throughout this month on Book Bloggers International, we are honoring these very RIP Reads with guests focusing on all those darker tales.  We already have a fabulous line-up for you, but we still have a few slots available for those who may want to share the darkened love.  If you are interested in sharing your own love for the peril, email us at bookbloggersintl (at) gmail (dot) com, attention to Tif.

Until then, be watching for some great RIP posts coming your way!  And, get those TBR piles ready to grow!


  1. I am loving this project already. How do I sign up?

    1. Dinara Tengri ... Email us at bookbloggersintl (at) gmail (dot) com!! We would love to have you!


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