Today please welcome Shan,
who blogs at Curled Up with a Good Book and a Cup of Tea.
I'm not very creative and when I was trying to come up with a name for my blog, I just couldn't. And then I took a look at myself, sitting there in my reading spot, curled up under a blanket and with a cup of tea and I thought, that works! And being new to the blogging world, I didn't realize just how long a name it was! So I tend to shorten it to Good Books and Tea.
How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for just over 3 years now. It's hard to believe that it's been that long, the time has certainly flown by.
Tell us a bit about your book blog. What makes it unique?
I have very diverse reading tastes and my blog reflects that. I don't think I fit into any genre boxes and there is something for everyone.
What genres do you write about most, and why?
Canadian Literature (CanLit) and British Chick Lit. Those are my two favourite genres and I seem to be reading more and more of them as time goes by. I also find that diversity is a major theme in my reading and I enjoy books with characters and stories from all cultures.
What's your earliest memory of reading?
Honestly, so many of my early memories have to do with books. I can remember the books I loved from a very early age. Though not the earliest memory, I remember as a child I would get upset when I'd have to turn out the lights for bed, so I'd take my book to the bathroom and sit on the edge of the tub and keep reading, thinking I could fool my parents. Every single night.
Writing in books: Yes or hell to the no?
Hell to the no! I barely can tolerate folding over the pages. I've been noticing more and more that people are writing in library books and that really gets on my nerves. Especially when they are getting it wrong.
What's your favorite place to read?
On the beach. But since that doesn't happen very often for me, my bed or in the corner of my L shaped couch.
Finish the sentence: My bookshelves are...
neatly organized by genre. On the big bookshelf, the top shelf is for autographed books and 2014 releases. The second shelf is for CanLit. The third shelf is for books I love from any year. The bottom shelf is classics and health and environment. The smaller bookshelf has three shelves for Chick Lit and one shelf for Urban Christian Fiction. Any book that doesn't fit on either shelf is in a pile somewhere in my bedroom.
My TBR pile is...
on the shelves of my bedside table. It never seems to go down.
To DNF or not to DNF?
In the past I would push on with a book no matter how much I didn't like it. But I've decided no more and last year I started to DNF. It's very liberating.
What's one book that intimidates you?
Any classic over 400 pages. There are so many that I want to read but the length intimidates me. I've been working on The Count of Monte Cristo for the past year and half. I prefer to read a new book every few days rather than spend weeks on one.
What are 3 of your must-read blogs?
Farm Lane Books Blog
Leeswammes' Blog
52 books or bust
What is your reading personality? (via quiz at
The Exacting Friend - it makes sense, I'm very ordered about my reading, keeping lists of what I want to read and sticking to it. And of course, I don't have time to read all the books I want to read, nobody has that much time!
Thank you for joining us today, Shan!
Remember to check out Shan's blog,
and leave a comment or question.