Today please welcome Angelica, who blogs about young adult novels and chick lit at Paperback Princess.
What's the meaning behind the name of your book blog?
I've been told that I'm a bit high-maintenance and princess-y and because I am always with a book whether it's on my phone, ereader or a printed copy, they thought it'd be perfect....I had a shortlist then enlisted my Facebook friends to help me choose which was the best.
What genres do you write about most, and why?
I cannot articulate enough how much I love the YA-genre. Prior to Twilight it was hard pressed to find fantastic YA novels but since then our shelves have been bombarded with GREAT YA Authors and stories and I love, love, love it!
In YA there are no rules, it doesn't have to be realistic, the characters do not have to be mature, they can be sullen but still great, they can be bratty but still emerge at the end as a hero, I think that's what I love about YA, no rules.
Every blogger feels pressure at some point. What's something you feel pressured to do or not do on your blog? How do you deal with it?
Definitely keeping up with the Joneses so to speak.
There are so many fantastic blogs out there who have fabulous content and seems to be reviewing all the soon to be released popular books and I sometimes get caught up in the whirlwind on trying to keep up.
The best way to deal with this pressure is to be true to yourself. Be reasonable with your personal expectation of yourself and your blog.
Being organised also helps. I got a Blog Planner which helps me see what posts are scheduled for which days, so if I do a review I can see the best spot to slot it in.
You don't need to beat the best, you only need to be the best you can be.
Writing in books: Yes or hell to the no?
Definitely not. I only excuse this for Author Signing.
What's your favorite place to read or blog?
I'd love to say this:
but unfortunately I am not that lucky. I read where I can, the bus, the train, my study, in bed, at stoplights...ok I'm kidding about the last one (kinda).
Do you judge a book by its cover, or its lover?
I love beautiful covers, I most especially love the covers with beautiful dresses featured on it like The Selection Series by Kiera Cass.
To DNF or not to DNF?
I used to persevere when reading a book, but since becoming a book blogger I have changed my stance on this.
I now DNF as there are just so many fantastic books out there that I don't want to waste my time forcing myself to read ones I can't get into when I can spend that time reading another book that won't be so torturous to read.
If you could go to any literary destination, where would you go?
Definitely Warner Bros London so I can see the Harry Potter Studio. I'd love to taste a Butterbeer and shop at Diagon Alley.
How about non-book related hobbies? What do you do when you don't feel like reading?
Shopping, makeup, scrapbooking watching movies and TV series' and spending time with my loved ones.
What's your favorite book to movie adaptation?
Whilst I'd love to see my fave books on the big screen, most often than not it's really disappointing as the movie doesn't capture the story as well as the book, but one exception was the Harry Potter series.
I also enjoyed watching The Hunger Games, Vampire Academy, Divergent and City of Bones, but they certainly wasn't anywhere as good as the books.
Thank you for joining us today, Angelica! Remember to check out Angelica's blog, Paperback Princess, and leave a comment or question.