Tif, Tasha, and I are very excited to welcome the newest member of the BBI team, Carolina G of A Girl That Likes Books! Caro has filled out our survey so you can get to know her better! Give her a warm welcome!
My TBR pile is... a never ending growing list!
The Involved Eclectic!

Hello there! My name is Carolina but you can always call me Caro. I am originally from Colombia, but moved to Canada for my grad studies in 2009…I am still not used to the cold. Besides books, I love science; if you don’t love science you do not go into science, believe me. Here are some facts about me:
What is the name of your book blog?
How long have you been blogging?
I posted my first post on June of 2011, but it was only in September of the same year that I started reviewing and posting regularly, so I guess we can say almost 3 years now.
What genres do you write about most, and why?
I know I gravitate mostly around fantasy, because it takes me quite away from my "work" reading which are mostly scientific articles. But since I joined the Sword and Laser book club I've been more in contact with SciFi. I am trying to read more nonfiction lately though.
What's your earliest memory of reading?
Reading with my mom, I was probably around 5. She is the one who thought me how to read.
What book have you re-read the most?
I don’t re read a lot to be honest, but there are 2 books that I have actually re read: Momo by Michael Ende, and The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Where's your favorite place to read?
During summer I really like a rocking chair I have on our terrace, but living in Canada, reading outside is not a year-long option sadly. I have 2 favorite spots around the house: 1. a papasan in our living room, which sometimes I have to compete with my cat for; 2. a red chair that is in our office. If you want, you can see both on my reviews, I usually have a picture taken on where I've been reading each book.
Do you have any reading accessories you can't do without?
Lately I’ve started marking my notes or quotes with post its, but before that I didn’t really have any particular reading accessories
Finish the sentence:
My bookshelves are…: freshly organized…but I know it won’t last long!
One book you like that no one else seems to?
Oh I can never come up with an answer for this one…let’s see, maybe The Goldfinch, I mean a lot of people liked it but not a lot of them around me. Only one friend of mine finished it; it was okk, because he liked it so we ended up discussing it at length!
How about a book that you dislike and everyone else seems to love?
The Book Girl (http://www.thebookgirlreads.com/) once reviewed and giveaway a copy of Jersey Angel. Her review made it seem like a very nice YA, non fantasy book. I was lucky enough to win a copy...and I was struck by how much I disliked the book. I can't even...
If you could go to any literary destination, where would you go?
Middle Earth
How about non-book related hobbies? What do you do when you don't feel like reading?
I cook, mostly bake. I recently re started doing cross stitching. Oh and video games with my boyfriend
What's your favorite book to movie adaptation?
I was very happy with Gone Girl, and I liked the LOTR adaptation. I do think The Hobbit didn’t need to be a trilogy!
Tell us a bit about your book blog. What makes it unique?
Oh I am afraid that is still a work in progress. I’ve been told that my scientific side shows in some of my reviews, so I am going to go with that for now ;)
What are 3 of your must-read blogs?
Besides the ones from everyone here at BBI, I would say Estella’s Revenge by Andi, River City Reading by Shannon and lately I’ve been reading Ashley Riordan’s blog is not only about books, but she does have a wonderful BookTube channel.