Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Featured Blogger: Laura from 125Pages

125 pages book blog

Today please welcome Laura, who blogs at 125Pages.

What's the meaning behind the name of your book blog?

I had a reading class in college where our reading speed was clocked as part of a project. I averaged 125 pages read an hour, so I thought that was a unique name for my site.

How long have you been blogging?

Since April, 2015.

Tell us a bit about your book blog. What makes it unique?

I read a wide array of books, so I don't feel tied down to any genre. I also read a lot, 5-7 books a week on average, so there is always a new review to check out. I host a bi-weekly feature called Author Tuesday that features author interviews and book giveaways. I also host The United States of Books, a weekly feature with 8 other bloggers where we read a book from each state. 

What genres do you write about most, and why?

I am open to most genres. I am partial to paranormal, YA, women's fiction, thrillers, memoirs and Urban Fantasy. I like to experience new worlds and get to do that through books, so I try not to limit what I read. I am partial to anything with vampires, angels, or shifters as I find them to be such fun reads.

Every blogger feels pressure at some point. What's something you feel pressured to do or not do on your blog? How do you deal with it?

I feel pressured to accept books for review. I average 50 review requests from authors and PR companies a month, and that doesn't include the books I select from Netgalley, Edelweiss and other publisher sites. I feel bad that I cannot read every book offered to me, but some are just not a fit for me. I have been learning to deal with it by enforcing strict review request rules. If a request is not submitted correctly, I immediately flag it as a no.  

What's one book you think everyone should read?

Such a hard question! I would have to go with a series - Harry Potter. The themes of love, friendship, renewal and redemption are something that readers 8-80 can relate to.  

Writing in books: Yes or hell to the no?

Hell to the no. Books are not to be marred, they are to be loved and treasured.

What's your favorite place to read or blog?

Curled up on my couch with a kitty on my lap.

Is the evil empire? Discuss.

I say no. Amazon has opened up a world of books that I personally may have never found before. Decent prices and fast shipping enable me to add to my book collection easily. I can understand why some people don't love Amazon, but to me easy access to affordable books (and other stuff) is important.

What have you learned from other bloggers or your readers?

To be more open to books I initially considered as not my type. I will read a review and it may touch on just what I love in a book. I have found some great books that I would never have read before. 

Do you judge a book by its cover, or its lover?

Cover judger here. I will walk through the library and pick up books based solely on its cover, then will read the back cover. 

To DNF or not to DNF?

I cannot seem to make myself DNF. I keep hoping the book will redeem itself so I keep reading.

What is your reading personality? (via quiz at

The All-Rounder

Your responses showed you fitting equally into all four reading personalities:

Involved Reader: You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
Exacting Reader: You love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you'd like - so you're very particular about the books you choose.
Serial Reader: Once you discover a favorite writer you tend to stick with him/her through thick and thin.
Eclectic Reader: You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors. 

Thank you for joining us today, Laura! Remember to check out Laura's blog, 125Pages, and leave a comment or question.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Few of Our Favorite Photos from #BBIMarch

We're taking to Instagram this month with a daily photo challenge. Since we're officially halfway through, we wanted to feature a few of our favorite pics from the last two weeks! Don't be afraid to jump in at any time. Just use the hashtag #BBIMarch.

And, here are a few pics from the crew here at Book Bloggers International:

A photo posted by Tasha (@tashaheidenkind) on

Thanks to everyone who's participated so far! We're having fun and we hope you are too.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Book Bloggers International Is Now Open to Sponsored Giveaways!


Are you an author or publicist looking to promote your book? Consider sponsoring a giveaway in our monthly newsletter! You'll have the chance to promote your book to a vast network of book bloggers all over the world, while we take care of the details.

Two important caveats:

  • The giveaway must be open internationally (see the title of this site).
  • Your giveaway must conform to our terms and conditions.

Interested? Shoot us an email at bookbloggersintl [at] gmail [dot] com.