Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Featuring Chrissy of Punk's House of Books

Today please welcome Chrissy, 
who blogs at Punk's House of Books.


How long have you been blogging?

I've only been blogging for about a year and a half, so I guess I'm still a newbie. 

What genres do you write about most, and why?

I love fantasy and supernatural. My reasoning is simple, I just love them. It takes so much imagination to write those kinds of books. There are whole new worlds and languages created, it's exactly what I look for in a good book. A place where I can lose myself. 

What's your earliest memory of reading?

I don't exactly have one clear memory, but I know I've always been a reader. My family says ever since I learned how to read, I always had my nose in a book. I do remember being taken to the library once a week as a kid and often hitting the checkout limit. 

What was the first book you read over and over, or the book you've reread the most?

There are two books that I've read over and over. White Oleander by Janet Fitch and The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I haven't had the chance to read them again since I started the blog. I really need to get on that!

Writing in books: Yes or hell to the no?

*clutches my chest* NO! 

What's your favorite place to read?


Do you have any reading accessories you can't do without?


Finish the sentence: My bookshelves are...

Crammed full and in need of some serious rearranging. 

My TBR pile is...

Dangerously long and continuously growing. 

What's a book that's changed your life?

Okay, I know how this sounds and don't laugh (okay you can laugh a little) but Twilight. NOT because it was so profound that it moved me or whatever (hahaha!) but because it introduced me to fandom, which led to meeting new friends and writing and book blogging. 

One book you like that no one else seems to, or vice versa?

There are probably tons, but I think I'll say Easy by Tammara Webber. I'm not fond of that book. I don't hate it but I don't think it lives up to the hype. 

To DNF or not to DNF?

I try really really hard to finish books, even if I don't like them. I think I've only DNF'd maybe five books, ever. 

What's one book that intimidates you?

All literary classics intimidate me, because I feel like I'm supposed to like them to be a "reader." 

If you could go to any literary destination, where would you go?

Hogwarts and Middle Earth. 

How about non-book related hobbies? What do you do when you don't feel like reading?

I waste time on tumblr. Haha! No when I'm not reading I'm usually working or cleaning or doing homework or spending time with my family. (And tumblr.)

What's your favorite book to movie adaptation?

The Potterhead in me says the HP movies. But honestly I think it's a tie between the Lord of the Rings movies and The Hunger Games movies. Those adaptations are pretty spot on and the changes are ones I can understand. Except Peeta's leg. I don't understand that one but I *try* not to let it bother me. 

What are 3 of your must-read blogs?

Books with Bite
Fiction Fare
Books for a Delicate Eternity

What is your reading personality? (via quiz at http://www.bookbrowse.com/quiz/)

The All-Rounder

Your responses showed you fitting equally into all four reading personalities:

Involved Reader: You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
Exacting Reader: You love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you'd like - so you're very particular about the books you choose.
Serial Reader: Once you discover a favorite writer you tend to stick with him/her through thick and thin.
Eclectic Reader: You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.


Thank you for joining us today, Chrissy! 
Remember to check out Chrissy's blog, Punk's House of Books
and leave a comment or question.

1 comment :

  1. I am such a huge fan of both the Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games movies!! (Though I am also a fan of the Harry Potter movies, but these other two are just amazing!!)


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